
bottom 的相关例句:
81. It has to be tall because it is like a giant block and tackle, and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom .
82. His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by a great number of ring-shaped air jets on the bottom of the craft.
83. The open sea was deep and mysterious, and anyone who gave more than a passing thought to the bottom confines of the oceans probably assumed that the sea bad was flat.
84. Sir James Clark Ross had obtained a sounding of over 2,400 fathoms in 1839, but it was not until of deep soundings was obtained in the Atlantic and the first samples were collected by dredging the bottom .
85. I noticed there was a hole in the bottom of his pail.
86. The cable parted, and the minisub started to gather speed toward the bottom of the sea.
87. They sent the enemy ship to the bottom of the sea.
88. She sat on the bottom stairs.
89. The new car has been redesigned from top to bottom .
90. The river ran as clear as crystal and if you watched closely you could now and then catch a glimpse of a trout hovering over the pebbles on the bottom .

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