
atmosphere 的相关例句:
71. a convivial evening, atmosphere
欢乐的夜晚, 气氛
72. a harmonious community, relationship, atmosphere
和睦的社会, 关系, 气氛
73. a funereal expression, atmosphere
忧郁的表情, 凄凉的气氛
74. (physics ) part of the earth's atmosphere that reflects medium-frequency waves
75. a homely place, atmosphere
宾至如归的地方, 气氛
76. humid heat, atmosphere
湿热, 潮湿的空气
77. a tense moment, atmosphere , meeting
令人感到紧张的时刻, 气氛, 会议
78. an unhappy occasion, atmosphere , face
不愉快的场合, 气氛, 脸色
79. a vibrant atmosphere , personality,performance
活跃的气氛, 活泼的个性, 有活力的表演
80. the vitiated atmosphere of our polluted inner cities

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