
tone 的相关例句:
61. a commanding voice, tone , look, etc
威严的声音, 声调, 神态等
62. a complacent smile, manner, tone of voice
自满的微笑, 姿态, 声调
63. speaking in a confidential tone
64. a conversational tone , manner, etc
会话语调, 方式等
65. a dictatorial teacher, manner, tone
专横的教师, 态度, 语气
66. a dismal manner, tone of voice, look, etc
郁郁寡欢的样子, 悲戚的语调, 凄楚的神情等
67. a dismissive gesture, tone of voice, shrug of the shoulders
表示轻蔑的手势, 语调, 一耸肩
68. a dry manner, greeting, tone of voice
冷淡的态度, 招呼, 声调
69. a hectoring tone of voice
70. in a querulous tone

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