
restaurant 的相关例句:
61. eat out have a meal in a restaurant , etc rather than at home
62. an ethnic restaurant
63. an exclusive restaurant , private school
为富人开设的饭店, 私立学校
64. a ruinously expensive meal, restaurant , coat
价钱贵得令人咋舌的饭食, 餐馆, 大衣
65. a funny little restaurant
66. an intimate restaurant , atmosphere
适宜幽会的餐厅, 气氛
67. a kosher butcher's, restaurant , meal
合礼的肉店, 餐馆, 饭食
68. a plush hotel, restaurant , etc
豪华的旅馆, 餐厅等
69. `Who put you on to this restaurant ? It's superb!' `Friends put us on to it.'
‘你是从谁那里知道有这家餐馆的? 这餐馆棒极了!’‘是朋友告诉我们的.’
70. a cheap hairdresser, restaurant
要价低的理发师, 饭馆

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