
personal 的相关例句:
61. Though these large machines still exist, many of their functions have been taken over by small powerful personal computers, commonly known as PCs.
62. In the early 1980s, the computer giant, IBM produced the world's first Personal Computer.
63. The IBM Personal Computer was widely copied.
64. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection.
65. These are partly a matter of personal circumstances, partly a matter of psychology.
66. Later, for its personal safety and practical needs, it has to develop ( partly by means of touch) the ability to judge roughly three-dimensonal distances.
67. A personal claim perished on the death of a party.
68. Furthermore, students living in their own home would have access to a comfortable life and have more opportunities to communicate with their parents, which have beneficial impact on development of their personal character.
69. The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away.
代表公司的花钱雇来的经理与工人及其需求的关系更加直接,但是就连 他对工人们也没有那种熟识的私人之间的了解。而在现在正在消失的古 老家族公司的那种更加家长式的制度下的雇主们却常常对他们的工人有 这样的私人关系。
70. Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships.

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