
distant 的相关例句:
61. the distant murmur of the sea, of a brook, of traffic, etc
远处海浪的澎湃声, 溪水的潺潺声, 车辆的隆隆声
62. the distant crackle of machine-gun fire
63. curiosity about distant lands
64. a distant land, cry, flash of light
遥远的地方, 远处的叫声, 远处的闪光
65. the distant horizon, past
遥远的天际, 过去
66. a distant nod, attitude, greeting, manner
不太热情的点头, 态度, 招呼, 举止
67. distinguish distant objects, a shape in the mist, a whispered conversation
辨别出远处的物体, 雾中的朦胧形象, 窃窃私语声
68. the hum of bees, of distant traffic, of machines
蜜蜂的嗡嗡声, 远处车辆的呜呜声, 机器的隆隆声
69. the throb of distant drums
70. striding out for the distant hills

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