
average 的相关例句:
61. His teachings left a deep mark upon the great mass of average readers.
62. Atlanta has an average temperature of 15.5℃.
63. The average temperature is higher this year than last.
64. The crop will be better this year than in an average year.
65. a man of athletic, powerful, slender, average , etc build
身体强健, 强壮, 苗条, 一般等的人
66. children of average intelligence
67. a poor, an excellent, an average , etc rider
骑术不佳, 极好, 一般
68. a rise in the price of meat, the value of the dollar, the average temperature
肉类价格的上涨, 美元的升值, 平均温度的增高
69. the life expectancy of the average car, the present government
一般汽车使用的, 现政府执政的预期年限
70. a person of high, great, average , little, low intelligence
智力高的, 有智慧的, 智力中等的, 无头脑的, 智能低下的人

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