
tone 的相关例句:
51. state one's opinions in an assertive tone of voice
52. an authoritative tone of voice
53. an expressionless face, voice, tone , etc
呆板的面孔, 冷冰冰的声音, 平淡的声调等
54. an unpleasant reediness of tone
55. a masterful person, character, tone
专横的人, 性格, 语调
56. an imperative tone of voice that had to be obeyed
57. an informal manner, tone , atmosphere, person
友好的态度, 语调, 气氛, 人
58. in an interrogative tone , manner, etc
疑问的口吻, 态度等
59. in an interrogatory tone , voice, manner, etc
以疑问的口吻, 声音, 态度等
60. a patronizing person, manner, attitude, smile, tone of voice
高人一等的人, 派头, 态度, 笑容, 腔调

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