
departure 的相关例句:
51. his impending arrival, departure , retirement, visit, etc
他即将到达, 离去, 退休, 出访等
52. an impulsive man, comment, decision, departure
易冲动的人, 一时冲动的评语, 在冲动中做出的决定, 在冲动下离去
53. a departure from old customs, the standard procedure, etc
同旧习俗, 标准程序等相违
54. defer one's departure to a later date
55. a hasty departure , meal,farewell
匆匆忙忙的离去, 用餐, 告别
56. the time of departure
57. a tardy arrival, return, departure , etc
迟到, 迟归, 迟动身
58. his unceremonious departure , dismissal, removal, etc
他唐突离去, 遭解雇, 遭免职等
59. evening departure from Seattle ; third mooring arrival in Chicago
60. a departure [an arrival] platform

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