
gesture 的相关例句:
41. a conciliatory gesture , smile, remark
愿和解的姿态, 微笑, 言语
42. a despicable action, gesture
可鄙的行动, 姿势
43. a face-saving action, excuse, gesture
保全面子的行动, 藉口, 举动
44. a dismissive gesture , tone of voice, shrug of the shoulders
表示轻蔑的手势, 语调, 一耸肩
45. a feeble argument, attempt, gesture , excuse
无力的论据, 尝试, 手势, 辩解
46. a fond look, gesture , embrace, etc
充满深情的目光, 手势, 拥抱等
47. a friendly smile, welcome, gesture , manner, etc
亲切的微笑, 亲切的欢迎, 友好的表示, 友好的态度
48. a heart-warming reunion, gesture , gift
令人欣喜的团聚, 表示, 礼物
49. an unfriendly look, gesture , attitude
不友好的神情, 姿态, 态度
50. smile, gesture vaguely
心不在焉地微笑, 打个手势

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