
mental 的相关例句:
31. He devoured book after book to satisfy his mental hunger.
32. It presented itself before the mental vision.
33. Her mental faculties became deranged.
34. Her physical force was weak, but her mental and moral forces were very great.
35. As they grow old, people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons, lack of physical and mental energy, both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away, and sentiment.
36. In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected.
37. One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness.
38. On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital.
39. This result merely confirms earlier American and British studies: if there is any effect of noise upon mental health, it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it.
40. That does not prove that it does exist: but it does mean that noise is less dangerous than, say, being brought up in an orphanage -- which really is mental health hazard.
这并不是证实不存在噪音对健康的影响。但它确实说明,噪音的危险性 -- 比如说 -- 比在孤儿院长大所受的危害要小一些,孤儿院才是真正危害精神健康的地方。

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