
ambition 的相关例句:
31. But his ambition was not satisfied.
32. His ambition tempted him into politics.
33. She lacks will and ambition .
34. His ambition is to be at the wheel of a large corporation by the age of forty.
35. achieve success, one's ambition , notoriety, peace of mind
获得成功, 实现抱负, 落得个臭名, 得到心情的平静
36. filled with ambition to become famous, rich, powerful, etc
立志要成名, 发财, 有权势等
37. attain one's goal, objective, ambition , etc
实现目的, 目标, 抱负等
38. driven by a relentless urge, ambition , quest, etc for power
为得到权力一直受到欲望, 野心, 追求等所驱使
39. a remorseless urge, ambition , etc
永无休止的欲望, 野心等
40. the revival of hope, interest, ambition
希望, 兴趣, 雄心的恢复

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