
venture 的相关例句:
21. Nothing venture , nothing gain [have, win].
22. I venture to dispute the wisdom of the policy.
23. We might have waited till the owner had published and offered a reward, but we did not dare to venture the receiving of the reward.
24. The joint venture will be more successful if one firm is willing to play a passive role.
25. Nothing venture , nothing have.
26. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.
27. a dubious business venture
28. embark on a risky, doubtful, etc venture
从事一项冒险的, 成败未卜的
29. venture into the water, over the wall
敢于入水, 越过墙头
30. venture an opinion,objection, explanation
敢于亮明观点, 表示异议, 进行辩解

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