
toy 的相关例句:
21. The child was tugging her toy cart along behind.
22. The child was tugging her toy cart round the garden.
23. The child's amusement with the new toy was fun to watch.
24. You can find a toy inside the box.
25. The tail won't come off the toy plane, it's fixed on with nails.
26. a mechanical device, toy , etc
机械装置, 玩具等
27. mend shoes, a watch, a broken toy
修理鞋, 表, 破玩具
28. a lifelike statue, drawing, toy
栩栩如生的雕像, 绘画, 玩具
29. a plastic cup, raincoat, spoon, toy , wrist-watch
塑料杯, 雨衣, 羹匙, 玩具, 手表
30. play with a ball, toy , bicycle
玩球, 玩玩具, 骑自行车玩

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