
release 的相关例句:
21. He secured the release of the hostages.
22. the release of a film, record, book, newsflash
影片的发行, 唱片的发行, 书籍的发行, 简要新闻的发表
23. the release button, knob, etc
释放按钮, 旋钮等
24. release a switch, catch, lever, etc
断开开关, 松开掣子, 放松手柄
25. use oil to release a rusted lock
26. release one's grip (on sth)
27. release one's grasp (of sth)
28. release an arrow, bomb, etc
射箭, 投掷炸弹
29. release a film, book, record, etc
发行影片, 书, 唱片等
30. release a prisoner, hostage, kidnap victim, etc (from captivity)
释放囚犯, 人质, 被劫持者等

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