1. | A captain in the Navy ranks above a captain in the Army. |
| 海军的captain(上校)军阶高于陆军的captain(上尉)。
2. | They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy . |
| 他们为海军征募了四百名新兵。
3. | He messed with me/We messed together when we were in the Navy . |
| 我们在海军时,他和我共餐[我们共餐]。
4. | What I have said about the army also applies, mutatis mutandis, to the navy . |
| 我谈到的陆军方面,如作适当变动,也适用于海军。
5. | The navy is/are introducing a new class of warship this year. |
| 海军今年要装备新一级的军舰。
6. | Where's my navy (blue) suit? |
| 我那套海军蓝的西装在哪儿?
7. | the newest addition to the American Navy . |
| 美国海军最近增添的舰艇.
8. | The engagement in Elite Gulf weakened the Japanese Navy . |
| 雷伊泰湾之役削弱了日本海军。
9. | The army , navy ,and air force are all controlled by the Ministry of Defense. |
| 陆海空三军都受国防部的管辖。
10. | bring navy vessels up to the minute in radio equipment. |
| 使海车舰艇的无线电设备成为最新式的。